Tuesday, August 26, 2008

In the Kitchen with Jodediah

It's Jodediah, a cool guy with great taste in music and is 153 points ahead of me on Kongregate(who's counting...?)

Q: I've got to ask, I like your avatar, and once I am almost 100% positive it is two thumb's up signs, I think it is a pair of car mufflers or something else. Thumbs up signs...car mufflers...something else?

A: Haha, car mufflers. No, they’re like mouse pointers, with they’re index fingers up. Good guess though :D

Q: I know you like soccer and popping. I like dancing more than competitive sports. Do you make a difference between the two, or is it all about having fun when it comes to Jodediah?

A: Well yeah, fun is good. Soccer is like my thing, 6 years so far w00t! And when I pop it is in the bathroom, in front of the mirror. :D I just breakdance through the mirror… >_> Perfectly normal, right?

Q: It says in your profile you are at: "up an elephant in Alaska in a brick of ice that’s on fire flying thru a hoop and some guy has his feet stuck in it and there just happens to be an air hole and a computer in it, and im next to a wireless internet hotspot. :)." I should probably warn you not to give such detailed information on your location (:P). More importantly, how on Earth did you find Kongregate from there, and do you have any favorite games on Kong? Do you like gaming on any other consoles? (Favorite games or genres if so?)

A: Well, that is actually my summer getaway. I actually found Kong through

Monster’s Den,

a game I was addicted to for awhile… I saw Kongregate sponser’d it so I’m all like, what the heck. Let’s give this a go. And now I’m totally HOOK’D on

Platform racing 2,

along with my home dawg SirBob101. My username on that game is Jodediah2, so search me up and rate me some 5’s :D

Q: I also know you like drawing and pixel art. You are quite creative Jodediah. Is there anything you prefer to draw, and what got you first interested in art?

A: Yeah I am quite the artist. I like drawing hands and eyeballs, but spend most of my time pissing off my teachers with little creatures and pikachus all over my homework :D And I started art at about 4 or 5, with stickfigures and silly looking landscapes… ☺

Q: I have heard of Jodediah's epic monster energy drink-fueled point sprees, so what flavor do you prefer? I need to stay close to you in points! Seriously though, what would you like to see on Kongregate in the future, and for yourself on and off of Kongregate?

Monster energy drinks FTW, man. Original throat medicine flavor is my fave, and I kinda want to try those coffeee ones…

In the future of Kong, my homeland, I’d like to see some new features, like the attention grabber (/get JesseMH8) which is basically large color changing block. Also, A kong history book written with mideavil word like thy and hither would be totally sweet. :D

Saturday, August 23, 2008

In the Kitchen with JaredOwnsU

Here is a man that is smart enough to know Kit Kats, Rick Rolls, and Vanessa Hudgens are some of the greatest things on Earth...and if you didn't know already, JaredOwnsU!

Q: How did you find Kongregate? I know you have a black belt, so don't give me a Chuck Norris roundhouse kick for asking a stupid question...*builds up courage to ask*...how did you decide on the username JaredOwnsU?

A: Hahaha. Sadly chuckie is more of a foe than an amigo. You know what? I used to have really childish usernames since I'm still very much young like darknextus, jared69, and the one I hated the most JesseMH8ismean which my friend made up. So I was on the phone talking to my best friend in real life jjaammoo11 and I told him he got owned... so JaredOwnsU came up and the rest is history!

Q: Thank you for not roundhouse kicking me, and if you can call Chuck Norris "chuckie(!)," you've definitely earned the name JaredOwnsU . How did you find Kongregate, or how was Kongregate lucky enough to find you? :P

A: Well Jesse I'm flattered...*no homo. Well I found the greatest gaming site of all time was when I was a young lad at the time and I was talking to my friend Morgan(a dude!) he told me about Kong and I just gave it for a spin and on my first day a yo momma battle happened!!! So after that I just became one with the chat...

Q: What do you like about Kongregate, and what game or games are your favorite? You have a favorite game or genre on other consoles? I've already mentioned Kit Kats, Rick Rolls, and Vanessa Hudgens, but monkeys wearing 3d glasses, cumquats and God of War are also some of the finer things in life. What makes these things stand out for you, and how did you come to appreciate the finer things in life?

A: Wow... kongregate is a unique website because of all of these badges, chatrooms, and such good friends!!! (Especially JesseMH8 he's my favorite)=]. But my favorite games would have to be

kongai launch

because of my bromance with Rick Astley. Some of my favorite consoles are the Xbox 360 and the Nintendo ds. Because of which the ds, it doesn’t mean dual screen or dat shiet it means developers system really got it from my mother she gave me my first Kit Kat and that has been my favorite chocolate ever since, and for my lady ms. Hudgens =] those Neutrogena commercials mad her look H-O-T SEXII! Haha. Rick rolls*groan* that got me into the song =p.THANK YOU IDIOTS THAT TRY TO LOOK AT BAD THINGS BUT PUT RICK ASTLEY INSTEAD!!! The monkey, I’m actually wearing that shirt right now. Enough said. And "if water is in watermelons whats in cumquats?"-Mark that is why cumquats are bomb. God of war is the world’s best last gen console ever. Emphasis on the period.

Q: Now the serious question: High school Musical 1, 2, or 3: Which is best?

A: HSM 1 2 or 3? Wow. I like 1 because of the music... 2 because

Hudgens got hot!

And 3 because they (zac and Vanessa) are GOING THEIR SEPERATE WAYS!!!!!!!!!! My time to move! But back to the question, I have to say that numero......2 is the best movie of all.

Q: Besides being the man in Vanessa Hudgens' life, what would you like to see for yourself in the future, and on Kong in the future?

A: HAHA.I would really like me to become a comedian or a ninja I already got the Ni part down. But for Kong I wish that they can have a way to stop those muthas (friends that are mean but I still along with them but deserves a good punishment) using the cheat engine for easy badges cards and hi scores. And NO runescape<--- it doesn’t deserve a capitalization.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

In the Kitchen with PeachHead

I doubt he is originally from China too, but PeachHead is a sweet guy and never goes out of season(okay that was corny...or do I mean peachy?).

Q: I love to eat peaches, so I am a bit apprehensive to ask...how did you come about the username PeachHead for Kongregate?

A: Uh oh I have to watch out for you now Jesse lol, you might eat my head! Anyways I have blonde hair so I figured I would make my username symbolize this. Hence, Peach being a crayon color closest to blonde, and head so you would know what i was talking about. Even though some people still perceive that im talking about a real peach :).

Q: What do you like about Kongregate? Any favorite games? Are there other consoles that you like, and if so, what games or genres?

A: Well I love everything about Kongregate, but some of its community can be a little "noobish" for lack of a better word :). I really cant set my mind to a favorite game just cause there all great, and happens to probably be better than anything I could make with no experience :). I love the Xbox 360, that is the only console i have in my room right now, I would like a Wii or even a PS3 but the nether the Wii or the PS3 really have the games that the Xbox has right now. I love shooters, Halo 3, BioShock, ShadowRun, any shooter really. I also like the RPG genre like Fable 2 (omg cant wait for that to come out), and Oblivion. I would have to say that my favorite game that I would buy a PS3 for is LittleBigPlanet, looks like an awesome game to party up and play with friends locally.

Q: I do know from chatting with you, you like to play Basketball, Cross Country, and Baseball. Skateboarding for fun, and then Texas Hold'em Poker in your...spare time! Wow, and I thought I was active! Do you have any goals you set for yourself in these activities? Any people you look up to when working towards these goals?

A: Well really my only goal would be to Win of course, but other than that really no, I just go out there and do my best. Well I look up to my coach for that year, and really the older more experienced players. By the way, my favorite sport out of all of that is probably, Basketball. Just because ive been playing it since i was like in the 3rd grade :).

Q: Do you find yourself to be a more competitive gamer because of this, or is it more for enjoyment like Skateboarding and poker...or both?

A: Well I kinda think its both, but im probably more competitive than anything else :). I mean who isnt? Lol. I love winning :).

Q: How did you find Kongregate, and what are some of your favorite games? What would you like to see in the future on Kongregate, and for yourself?

A: Well I cant really say how I found Kongregate, I was just surfing the web and and had some kind of Google search pull up this site and I decided I would check it out, and here I am now :). Well now that I think about it I have one favorite game, its

Kongregate Chat.

Why? You ask? Cause we have so much fun having cookie wars on there that that in itself is a game lolz :). Well the future of Kongregate is looking really good right now, the only thing they need to develop on is the game comments, there is comments on there everyday that are worthless to the game developer, and there is so many of them that they run off all the good comments. There is also alot of spamming of that area too. I myself would like to get to lvl 20 on Kong before I have to go back to school :). Well its been nice Answering your questions Jesse. I got to go and finish off my badge spree he he :).

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

In the Kitchen with something_good

ARE YOU READY TO ROCK TONIGHT?!?! Coming to you straight from the great land of Ontario, something_good from the band Beyond This Illusion.

Q: What has been the reaction to your music, and what kind of crowd will turn up at your shows?

A: Well JesseMH8 let me start out by saying that the reaction I get from my playing is simply spectacular to hear. For example, the last show I played in, some random guy, from the crowd, came to me and said that he had never heard anything as good as what we had played before. It was amazing to hear of course. That is just one of the many wondrous complements. Now as to who comes to the show. Well people that like the music of course, but mostly friends and their friends and theirs friends and so on. I don’t live in the biggest of cities so mostly everyone that comes I know, except when I play in different cities then it is just a whole bunch of tight jean wearing people with snake bites(2 piercings on their bottom lip).

Q: Use Your Illusion was the name of the double album by the great rock band Guns N' Roses. Your band's name is Beyond This Illusion. Is this just your way of stating the obvious that you are the most epic and greatest guitar player of all-time? I heard Slash wasn't going to be on Guitar Hero 3 unless they asked you to do Guitar Hero 4.

A: JesseMH8 you are right about me being THE most epic and greatest guitar player of all-time and i do like Guns N' Roses but no my band name doesn't relate to Use your Illusion. You are also right about Slash, you see me and him go wayyyy back. He was my nextdoor neighbour since i was born and he is the one that taught me how to play as insanely as i do. Ever since he got pissed at me for breaking his guitar string while laying down a GODLY solo (come on i was only 5) he decided to move where ever he lives now. But as the years went by our friendship grew back to what it use to be and so when the people from Guitar Hero called up Slash and asked him to join he sad one sec, so then he called me and i sad yeah so now we are in Guitar Hero. Also if you were wondering why we are in different games it is cause am better then him:).

Q: Obviously you are a fan of Kongregate. Do you play games besides on Kongregate, and if so, do you have favorites games? ...console? ...genre?

A: Well of course I am a fan of Kong I am level 18 (as of August 13 2008) for peet sake. My favourite game is

Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

No, it isn't. But seriously on Kong my favourite game is


Wait no I am still not being serious so scratch those two last ones. Ummm

Free Rider 2

is FOR SURE the best game on kong IMO. Well of course it is since I had my own made map in my profile since like ever. This time I am not joking around it is seriously a sweet game so try it if you haven't (yay i get promotional money from onemorelevel for saying that). And yes i am a gamer so of course i play games other then on kong. My favourite game off of kong was runescape but now it is on kong so i can't say that anymore. Ahh there i go joking around again. So my favourite non-Kongregate game is Final fantasy 7 and you would know that if you talked to me long enough. And of course favourite genre is RPG.P.S i never even played Runescape... EVER.

Q: Behind your enjoyment of eating and sleeping, what is your opinion on music and gaming. Take this question any direction that you want, just be sure to include an answer to whether gamers or guitar players get more chicks. That has always been a burning question for me.

A: AHAHA. Well let me first tell you that I get more chicks from playing at shows then talking to girls on Kongregate and if that doesn’t answer your question well then i have to make it straight up. Guitar players gets more chicks then a gamer. Pretty straight forward. But if you ask me what gets you more FRIENDS then i would say being a gamer. But yeah to get back to the first part, I love music a whole lot and gaming is simply amazing but both of these do not compare to how much I love eating and sleeping:p. I would say that i like music more then gaming just for the fact that I can play the guitar.

Q: Are you satisfied with the music that is out there nowadays? Is there anything you wish got more attention, or you'd like to see in the future of music, and in the same case, Kongregate?

A: Well yeah, I do like most of the music out now because I can find the music I like and can listen to it. The only thing that i think can get more attention is my band:P Well to me Kongregate is a fine site indeed, but it wouldn’t be a bad idea to put in a nice little music player or put a music player inside the profile like they did in myspace(I also get money from myspace too YAY!!).

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

In the Kitchen with SirBob101

Aug. 11, 2008
An Interview with the fantastic SirBob101.
Interviewed by awesome JesseMH8.

Q:Is the rumor that you earned the title SirBob by challenging Roger Federer at Wimbledon, and beating him in straight sets? How did you get your name?

A: Well Jesse, you are wrong wrong wrong :D. I didn't beat Roger Federer fairly, he had the advantage :D. I was blindfolded, and had to drop my racquet and spin every shot. After beating him, it was unanimously decided that i should be given the name of the great and awesome lord, SirBob. 101 was added because some damn foo stole my title before i got here too Kongregate. :)

Q: I hear you like to read, especially Halo books. Do any of them take place in a kitchen perhaps? :D

A: Well. Although it is true i like to read, and also true i have read those Halo books, (none of them in a kitchen which sux) i also do not read books normally. Like the tennis, i read blindfolded :D. I have practiced for many a millenia, as i am a demi-god.

Q:How did you find Kongregate?

A: Well, i used my pys- fine i'll tell the truth. I love turret defence games (playing them blindfolded :D). I was on this website, turretdefence.net (great site) Protector came out. I was playing it, but wanted the extra skills you could only use while on Kongregate. Needless to say i made an account!

Q: What are your favorite games on Kongregate, and a short reason why if you please.

A: Well, i have a few fav games, one of them is

You Have To Burn The Rope

That is the funniest game with the best music on the planet.

However, my all-time favorite has to be

Platform Racing 2.

Overall i have probably over 100 hours at least on the game :D (my username is SirBob101! with the !. I also made a joint account with one of my different awesome freinds. That accounts name is SirFaris101). The thing that makes that game so fun is the level editor. So many great maps, just waiting to be made! :D

Q:What do you like about Kongregate?

A: I like a lot of things about Kongregate, like different chatrooms, avatars, and levels, but my favorite thing about Kong is the badges and challenges (more please!). They give you a reason to play lots of different games, and give you a purpose, which can make a game oh so much better. Thanks Kongregate! :D Well JesseMH8, thanks for the interview. I typed a whole long thing without typing lol! Oops, guess i blew it :D.

Monday, August 4, 2008


This is a post for challenges from Hobizzle. I will try and do this every week, but i don't know if that is going to happen when school starts. They are just little things that are like badges but award no points, you do get self esteem though! :) Well the first challenge is and this game doesn't have badges yet, collect half of all awards in amorphous +. Thank you and atleast try im almost done with it.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Chat Moderating

Here are some links to Kongregate about chat and thebehavior guidelines.

If there is anyone that is not folowing the guidelines, I would first suggest you mute them. If you continue to have problems, contact me. If I am no online, contact a moderator that is online by using the friends list found on the kongregate user modfriend (link to modfriend's friend list.). If there is still a problem, contact me by email or through the shouts or whispers on my profile. If none of this can answer the problem, Kongregate has their contact information and a link for feedback.

If I have left anything out, please let me know. I hope you have fun on Kong, and report and ignore those who choose not to. After exhaustive research I have provem this method to be successful, here are my results in the following chart and data:

Song Requests - Take Two

Songs to play flash games to:

Indestructible - Disturbed


Immortal - Adema


Through the Fire and Flames - Dragonforce


go girl - pitbull


Handlebars - The Flobots


Human Nature - Michael Jackson

tom sawyer - rush

gimme the loot - biggie smalls

Hatredcopter - Dethklok(naturally)

Astro Zombies - MCR


Eyes on Me - Final Fantasy VIII

Numb - Linkin Park

Stand Up - The Flobots

Simple Plans - YOUR LOVE IS A LIE


Over You - Daughtry


IO Echo - Addicted


Deep Inside These Walls - JJ Flores & Steve Smooth


Anne Braden - The Flobots

This is Such a Pity - Weezer

Alone I Break - Korn