Tuesday, August 26, 2008

In the Kitchen with Jodediah

It's Jodediah, a cool guy with great taste in music and is 153 points ahead of me on Kongregate(who's counting...?)

Q: I've got to ask, I like your avatar, and once I am almost 100% positive it is two thumb's up signs, I think it is a pair of car mufflers or something else. Thumbs up signs...car mufflers...something else?

A: Haha, car mufflers. No, they’re like mouse pointers, with they’re index fingers up. Good guess though :D

Q: I know you like soccer and popping. I like dancing more than competitive sports. Do you make a difference between the two, or is it all about having fun when it comes to Jodediah?

A: Well yeah, fun is good. Soccer is like my thing, 6 years so far w00t! And when I pop it is in the bathroom, in front of the mirror. :D I just breakdance through the mirror… >_> Perfectly normal, right?

Q: It says in your profile you are at: "up an elephant in Alaska in a brick of ice that’s on fire flying thru a hoop and some guy has his feet stuck in it and there just happens to be an air hole and a computer in it, and im next to a wireless internet hotspot. :)." I should probably warn you not to give such detailed information on your location (:P). More importantly, how on Earth did you find Kongregate from there, and do you have any favorite games on Kong? Do you like gaming on any other consoles? (Favorite games or genres if so?)

A: Well, that is actually my summer getaway. I actually found Kong through

Monster’s Den,

a game I was addicted to for awhile… I saw Kongregate sponser’d it so I’m all like, what the heck. Let’s give this a go. And now I’m totally HOOK’D on

Platform racing 2,

along with my home dawg SirBob101. My username on that game is Jodediah2, so search me up and rate me some 5’s :D

Q: I also know you like drawing and pixel art. You are quite creative Jodediah. Is there anything you prefer to draw, and what got you first interested in art?

A: Yeah I am quite the artist. I like drawing hands and eyeballs, but spend most of my time pissing off my teachers with little creatures and pikachus all over my homework :D And I started art at about 4 or 5, with stickfigures and silly looking landscapes… ☺

Q: I have heard of Jodediah's epic monster energy drink-fueled point sprees, so what flavor do you prefer? I need to stay close to you in points! Seriously though, what would you like to see on Kongregate in the future, and for yourself on and off of Kongregate?

Monster energy drinks FTW, man. Original throat medicine flavor is my fave, and I kinda want to try those coffeee ones…

In the future of Kong, my homeland, I’d like to see some new features, like the attention grabber (/get JesseMH8) which is basically large color changing block. Also, A kong history book written with mideavil word like thy and hither would be totally sweet. :D

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